Institute of Biology
dr Marta Kołodziej-Sobocińska
Factors affecting the spread of parasites in populations of wild mammals
dr Aneta Książek
The relationship between metabolic rate, immunocompetence and overwinter survival in small mammals
dr Anna Matwiejuk
Lichen biota of North-Eastern Poland relating to habitat-anthropogenic conditioning
dr Danuta Drzymulska
Evolution of humic lakes in Wigry National Park from the decline of the last glaciation
dr Agnieszka Ścibior
Vanadium and its interactions with magnesium – studies in an in vitro experimental model
dr Piotr Jadwiszczak
Evolutionary history of the Paleogene and Neogene Antarctic penguins
dr Karol Zub
The effect of body mass and metabolic rates variation on mortality of small mammals
dr Paweł Brzęk
Phenotypic plasticity of ontogenesis of digestive physiology in nestling of altricial birds
dr Ada Wróblewska
Genetic diversity patterns of plants with the circumboreal distribution
dr Katarzyna Anna Jadwiszczak
Institute of Chemistry
dr Stanisława Koronkiewicz
Improvement to analytical characteristics of flow methods using electronically controlled actuators
dr Monika Naumowicz
dr Agnieszka Zofia Wilczewska
dr Paweł Rodziewicz
Time-resolved properties of inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds
dr Alina Teresa Dubis
Wyślij je na stronę internetową Wydziału Biologiczno-Chemicznego.