W dniu 17 czerwca 2019 roku o godzinie 12.00 w Instytucie Chemii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Ciołkowskiego 1K w sali 2003 Dr Ana Sofia Cavalheiro GAMAInstitut de Chimie Moleculaire de l’Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France wygłosi wykład na temat: Coordination chemistry: an overview of the role of metal complexes in biology and medicine
Serdecznie zapraszamy Państwa do wysłuchania wykładu Gościa Instytutu Chemii
Dziekan Wydziału Biologiczno-Chemicznego
i Dyrektor Instytutu Chemii
Sylwetka naukowa:
Scientific outputs: Sofia Gama has authored one patent application and published 25 papers in international peer review journals with over 357 citations and an h-index of 13. She is first author of 7 of these papers and corresponding author of 3. One of the last papers which reports the identification of a new siderophorewas published in a very high impact journal (Nat Chem Biol, IF 13.843). She is also author of 28 Postercommunications, 3 Invited communications and 11 Oral communications (please detailed list in page 11).
COST Actions:The active participation in the COST Action CM1105 –Functional metal complexes that bind to biomolecules– together with the recent involvement as a member of the International Group of Thermodynamics of Metal Complexes inspired Sofia Gama to submit a proposal for a COST Action in the call of Sep 2017 (final evaluation: 42, threshold: 45) that was just re-submitted in the last call (prepared by Sofia Gama, together with two other European researchers).
Scientific Projects:In order to support to her own research line, Sofia Gama applied for FCT funding with the project “Targeting telomerase inhibition with new anti-tumoral Cu(II) complexes” that was successfully approved with 115k€ for the funding-period 2011-2014. The final evaluation of the project was very positive: “Results were relevant for the field and have likely opened additional possibilities to continue this project." Sofia Gama was also part of the team involved in the writing and development of the successfully financed FCT excellence project “Molecular and Nano Tools for Cancer Theranostics”, in the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Group of C2TN. Preparation and active participation on the financed project “Metal uptake by Azotobacter vinelandii metallophores: a thermodynamic approach“,under the scope of the MIUR-DAAD – Joint Mobility Program.
Implementation of new laboratory infrastructures:Aiming the thermodynamic study of several metal complexes systems, Sofia Gama implemented a complete experimental automatized system for potentiometric and spectrophotometric measurements on her current research group AGPLASS, IAAC, FSU Jena).
Supervision and training of students:Supervision of 2 bachelor degree thesis defend with success; supervision of a young researcher under the scope of the DAAD Forschungsstipendien Programme “Azotobacter vinelandii catecholates as metallophores: Mo(VI) and Fe(III) sequestration in aqueous solution.”, a traineeship on “Speciation of metal ions in metallophore systems” in the scope of the ERASMUS+ program and several students under the scope of the projects where Sofia Gama was PI or team member.
Scientific Collaborations: Establishment of new and effective international collaborations in the research group with groups from different areas and countries (e.g., Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology –Hans Knöll Institute (HKI) Jena, Germany and the Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali (CHIBIOFARAM) from the Univ. of Messina, Italy.
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